Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I am so amazed by God

For the last year or so I've been a part of planning a new venture in our church. We took the step of cancelling our sunday night service, which was geared for the "young at heart" and cancelling the midweek youth service, to create a monday night gathering called Amplify. Our goal is to see preteen, high school students, and young adults encouter God and live loudly their faith in everday life.

Well, last night was our first Amplify we thought it was awesome! Most everthing clicked like it should, from the music to the video to people's response to the preaching. It was a fantastic first night.

Then, this morning our secretary shared that a friend her pre-teen daughter took to Amplify decided to follow Jesus last night! Very Happy We had some video running during the worship time, and during a clip of Jesus with the crown of thorns, she started to think about Jesus! This is amazing since I hadn't really planned out the clips I used for video, just kinda grabbed what I had and looped it.

Another girl this preteen brought out, also was really affected by the night, and wants to check out our church! I am stunned, amazed, and soo thankful to God for how He works! It's teaching me to not underestimate the ability for media to touch the heart.

Wow, what an amazing journey God has for us!


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