Thursday, October 19, 2006


I had a wonderful holiay, going back up north to Smithers. It was so relaxing just to visit family and friends, and be in a church service where I wasn't doing anything!!

Highlights: my parents expression upon seeing their upstairs bathroom torn apart as my brother is renovating it (it was a good expression btw, the new bathroom is going to be fantastic!), my Mom's reaction upon realizing that the chair they thought that they bought from IKEA wasn't the chair that they actually got, and hiking with my Mom and her friends in the Babine Mountains - such a beautiful hike, eventhough my legs didn't quite appreciate what I put them through!


At 7:13 p.m., Blogger Markimus said...

I love Smithers... Jesse we missed each other by a week. Smithers is seriously one of the nices places in the world to live.

At 5:29 p.m., Blogger Jesse said...

Yeah I heard that you were there - how was the wedding? It's crazy how many people who have lived elsewhere are moving back to Smithers eh. Maybe I'll do it also one day ... one day ...

At 5:14 p.m., Blogger elliott5inbc said...

yeah, i mean, Smithers is the PLACE TO BE RIGHT???? LOL...a virtual HUB of hubness...huh??

it was nice to coffee with you always, you're one of our dearest friends...and who knows, maybe we'll even be semi-related one day!!! ;0)


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