Tuesday, January 31, 2006

God is seeking us

I came across this thought today. It comes from my friend Darcy while we was attending a gathering of denom/parachurch/education leaders. Mike Frost in – from Sydney Australia was speaking.

"Mission is not about man’s search for God, but instead God’s search for man. We’ve turned God into a static thing, and that’s bad theology. We invite people to come and meet God in our churches, while all throughout scripture God seeks out people."

As I chewed on that, it struck me how true it is! God is always the initiator, He's the one who has been making the way for us to know Him. From creating the world, to Jesus' death and ressurection, to sending the Holy Spirit - God has always been the one taking the first step in making a way for us to know, and be known, by Him.

The question that comes to mind from that is: how do we create spaces where people can be found by God, rather then having spaces where we invite people to find God?


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